CA 12 Vijaynagar 3rd stage Hunsur road Mysore - 570030

Mulakanadu Sabha Charitable Trust is a registerd trust. The trustees are the EC memnebrs of Mysore Mulakanadu Sabha.

The objectives of the trust  are to conduct activities of social interest and relevance like medical camps, helping poor students, providing the kalyana mantapa at concessional rates for school trips and student meets, cultural activites etc.,

Donations made to the Mulakanadu Sabha Charitable trust come under  section 80g of the Income tax act.


Shortly About us

An organisation of Telegu speaking brahmins of Mysore city with an aim to promote the social, literary and cultural uniqueness of these community members. It was started on 3rd November, 1989.


Mysore Mulakanadu Sabha

CA 12 Vijaynagar 3rd stage
Hunsur road Mysore - 570030
Email :

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